UT students newsletter

Student Union news

The latest news from the Student Union.

›› Vote for your student representative!

Student representatives stand for the rights of students and help promote student life in the University. You can vote for the representative you feel would suit the role the best, in both, your faculty and your institute. You can vote HERE until 30 April. You can find more information on UTSU’s homepage, in the ELECTIONS 2024 subsection.

›› Vote for your student representative!

Student representatives stand for the rights of students and help promote student life in the University. You can also play a role by voting for the representative you feel would suit the role the best, in both, your faculty and your institute. You can vote HERE. You can find more information on UTSU’s homepage, in the ELECTIONS 2024 subsection.

›› Submit your application to become a student representative TODAY!

Only a week left to apply to become a student representative in your institute and/or your faculty. More information: ELECTIONS 2024.

›› Submit your candidacy to become a student representative!

Starting on the 25th of March, you can submit your candidacy to become a student representative representing your institute and/or your faculty in the University of Tartu Student Union! As a representative you have the opportunity to help promote student life and play a role in the important decisions involving the University. We have gathered all the important infomation concerning the elections onto ELECTIONS 2024 section on our webpage.

Submit your candidacy by clicking HERE.

For additional questions, do no hesitate to write to us on tyye@ut.ee!

›› UTSU’s election period will start on the 25th of March! 

Like every spring, you can submit your candidacy to be a student representative. During the period between the 11th to the 25th of March you can aquaint yourself with the different obligations and privileges a student representative has by looking at our social media, studentunion.ut on Instagram, and our homepage, tyye.ut.ee. If you’ve been wondering, who and what UTSU even is, then that question will hopefully also be answered!

›› UTSU’s election period will start on the 25th of March! 

Like every spring, you can submit your candidacy to be a student representative. During the period between the 11th to the 25th of March you can aquaint yourself with the different obligations and privileges a student representative has by looking at our social media, studentunion.ut on Instagram, and our homepage, tyye.ut.ee. If you’ve been wondering, who and what UTSU even is, then that question will hopefully also be answered!

›› Give your courses feedback in SAIS! Giving feedback is one of the best ways for students to play a role in improving courses and letting their opinion be known. In addition to the teaching staff, program managers also use SAIS feedback in making bigger changes within programs.

›› Night Library is upon us once more, and UTSU is helping to organise it! It will take place 2.01 – 19.01. On weekdays, the library will be open from 9.00 – 00.00 and on weekends it is the usual 12.00 – 18.00. There will be therapy dogs and also relaxation breaks with psychologists! More information HERE.

›› UTSU’s staff is back from Christmas holidays and UTSU Tuesdays are back! Every Tuesday, a member of our staff will be doing an Instagram takeover! The stories will be saved as well, so they can be viewed later. There’s lots of content there on a daily basis, so be sure to follow us @studentunion.ut.

›› UTSU’s legal advisors tips for the exam season, in other words, the rights and obligations of students.

PS! The study regulations were revised in the autumn of 2023, so be sure to go over them again! Here we have brought out a few key aspects.

❗️You have an obligation to only use those resources and materials that your lecturer has permitted you to use during the exam. Academic fraud is a serious offence and can end in the student being exmatriculated.

❗️The teaching staff has an obligation to grade the final exam in the two week period following the exam but most definitely at least five days before the repeat exam and the official end of the semester. The results of the repeat exams will be made available the day before the new semester starts, at the latest.

❗️You have the right to see your graded assignment and to get feedback from your teaching staff during the five day period following the announcement of the grades.

❗️If you find that your work has been graded unfairly, you can first talk to the teaching staff and submit a complaint during the ten day period following the announcement of the grades. The teaching staff must respond to this complaint in three days. If the lecturer does not accept your complaing, you can turn to the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs and submit an appeal during the three day period following the decision of the teaching staff.

❗️All your rights and obligations are written out in Study Regulations. Be sure to check it out!

›› Night Library is upon us once more, and UTSU is helping to organise it! It will take place 2.01 – 19.01. On weekdays, the library will be open from 9.00 – 00.00 and on weekends it is the usual 12.00 – 18.00. There will be therapy dogs and also relaxation breaks with psychologists! More information HERE.

›› UTSU’s staff is back from Christmas holidays and UTSU Tuesdays are back! Every Tuesday, a member of our staff will be doing an Instagram takeover! The stories will be saved as well, so they can be viewed later. There’s lots of content there on a daily basis, so be sure to follow us @studentunion.ut.

›› UTSU’s legal advisors tips for the exam season, in other words, the rights and obligations of students.

PS! The study regulations were revised in the autumn of 2023, so be sure to go over them again! Here we have brought out a few key aspects.

❗️You have an obligation to only use those resources and materials that your lecturer has permitted you to use during the exam. Academic fraud is a serious offence and can end in the student being exmatriculated.

❗️The teaching staff has an obligation to grade the final exam in the two week period following the exam but most definitely at least five days before the repeat exam and the official end of the semester. The results of the repeat exams will be made available the day before the new semester starts, at the latest.

❗️You have the right to see your graded assignment and to get feedback from your teaching staff during the five day period following the announcement of the grades.

❗️If you find that your work has been graded unfairly, you can first talk to the teaching staff and submit a complaint during the ten day period following the announcement of the grades. The teaching staff must respond to this complaint in three days. If the lecturer does not accept your complaing, you can turn to the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs and submit an appeal during the three day period following the decision of the teaching staff.

❗️All your rights and obligations are written out in Study Regulations. Be sure to check it out!

›› Teaching staff of the year 2023 award! We all have professors and lecturers whose classes are interesting and well-structured, and they too deserve recognition so they have the motivation to keep going. Think back on your spring semester and submit them as candidates, so that those who taught you in the spring do not ger lost between the cracks. You can submit your candidate HERE until 20 December.

›› The photos made on the National University’s 104th anniversary ball have been made available HERE.

Anniversary ball of Estonia’s national university

On 1 December, starting at 19:30, the traditional anniversary ball marking the 104th anniversary of Estonia’s national university will take place in Vanemuine Concert Hall. Doors are open from 18:30.

Tickets will be available from 16 October. Very soon, we will also announce the performers who will help create the festive atmosphere. Guests can also try their luck in a raffle!

Anniversary ball of Estonia’s national university

On 1 December, starting at 19:30, the traditional anniversary ball marking the 104th anniversary of Estonia’s national university will take place in Vanemuine Concert Hall. Doors are open from 18:30.

Tickets will be available from 16 October. Very soon, we will also announce the performers who will help create the festive atmosphere. Guests can also try their luck in a raffle!